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The 16th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility

The ASSETS conference explores the design, evaluation, and use of computing and information technologies to benefit people with disabilities and older adults. ASSETS is the premier forum for presenting innovative research on mainstream and specialized assistive technologies, accessible computing, and assistive applications of computer, network, and information technologies. This includes the use of technology by and in support of:

All contributions are peer-reviewed by an international Program Committee. Accepted papers, posters and demonstrations will be archived in the ACM digital library. All authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to a special issue of the ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS).

Download the ASSETS 2014 Flyer (PDF)

Latest News

Latest News

The Conference Program for ASSETS 2014 is now available.

August 18th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

The deadline for SRC notifications was postpone to July 30th.

July 25th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

Registration is now open.

July 9th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

Call for Experience Reports is now open.

June 10th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

Call for Student Volunteers is now open! Are you a student (Undergrad, MSc, PhD) working on accessible computing or related topic? Check how to apply and be a part of ASSETS'14.

June 9th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

We are pleased to announce that ASSETS 2014 will be accepting submissions for our new Text Entry Challenge. Check all details in the webpage.

May 30th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

What tools do you use to produce your PDFs? Can they produce accessible PDFs? Please participate in this very quick SIGACCESS survey to help us better understand what ASSETS authors currently do.

April 16th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

Following last year's success, we are happy to announce that ASSETS 2014 will continue to host a Captioning Challenge! Visit our webpage for more information.

March 12th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

New deadline for technical papers submission: May 9, 2014.

January 16th 2014, by ASSETS 2014

Photos used under creative commons